When you call Lifeline Psychiatry, please let our staff know whether you are a new or an established patient and provide demographic information to book an appointment. New appointments are available in 2 weeks or less.
We do not accept any health insurance and all services are provided on a self pay model. We will provide Superbill following the appointment and you can submit to your health insurance for reimbursement. Please check with your health insurance for out of network benefits before making an appointment.
Our professional psychiatrists do comprehensive mental health evaluations, make a psychiatric diagnosis, recommend the best possible treatment plan and prescribe appropriate medications. If you are interested, we can facilitate care coordination with other providers who are involved in your care. We will also make referrals to other mental health providers when needed.

When you call, please let the receptionist know whether you are a new patient or an established patient.
Please keep your address, date of birth, telephone numbers and health insurance information ready before you call.
Please let us know who referred you so that we can facilitate best coordination of care with other providers.
We are offering appointments with PSYCHIATRIST only at this time.
PSYCHIATRIST is a medical doctor or MD who can do comprehensive psychiatric evaluations, make psychiatric diagnosis, recommend best possible treatments and give prescriptions.
Psychologists, Counselors and Social Workers provide talk therapy. They are distinguished by different credentials, that indicates type of training and level of training. We can refer to any of them after initial evaluation if needed.